PROM 2013 @24THMAY
1:52 PMIt has been awhile now since, I upload something new on my blog. Well i have my reasons, why i haven't keep in touch with you guys for a month.
It's because i got a lot of things to do with my homework , specially when am going to graduate about Three Days... soo it was really stressful. Plus I have to help my parents with the party, and my school stuff.... Everything was just too much on my plate. Plus the prom..... oooh dear I wish I could really tell guys how stressful I really was. I have piss off but at the end Everything Went good ( Thank God)
The prom was last month May 24th, I bought the ticket , it was expensive but it was Worth it. everything Went on ponit. Soo.. yea.. ooo I Went there with my two Girls friends African ladies , Philomina and Sheba.
Since I didn't show you guys the Pictures I decide to show video Pictures instead on my channel YouTube. I made this video all by myself I hope you guys really love it and don't forget to subscribe. That night at the club was the best day EVER!!!!
Just Press play and enjoy =)