Homie girl Prom in Sweden

6:33 PM

Hey everyone 
yesterday I help my homie girl here, to do her make-up. And I said sure why not so I did her makeup yesterday, she was going to prom together with her classmate, as you guys can see she is sooo exciting LOL  
But it was cool , no stress , everything was perfect and right now as we spoken here, she is still at the prom party.  It was so funny to see her other friends working on the high heels, trust me girrl you will feeel sorry for them , because they couldn't work.This prom is in Sweden, Malmo , since I didn't get the address right her teacher will call the parents back to them to pick her. I'm so glad by the way that her sister is coming back from London to Malmo soon.  HIhIHi 

Yeap that was it for today... am soo tired Goodnight

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