Bantu knots

4:34 PM

This is picture is almost old, I took it from last month and I forgot to post this. But anyway I did a Bantu knots. 
I did have a problem having the flakes or the time. The products that I choose to do and hoping that I wouldn't get flakes again because it's really annoying. And I don't want to post something that it doesn't work for me but at the same time, you have to understand that I still doing my process for been natural and everyone is testing and testing until you end with good result. If something didn't work for me but maybe it could work for YOU. Just stick with it. 

I have realize that I can't use Leavin when it comes to styling my hair. Because if I do the flakes will come back . On that picture I didn't use any Leav-in . I don't have a problem with leave in, if I not going to do any style with my hair then I can use Leave in. But when it comes to styling and you wants to hold more than one day Leave in doesn't for me when it come to styling.  I don't know if you guys have the same problem as I do. 

First day with my Bantu knots to church was amazing. I really like it. As the day were passing by, day by day it started to frizz out really quickly.  The definition was really GOOD.  I didn't do refresh either but I did do the pineapple but still the frizz were still POP off and I couldn't take anymore. So that was pretty much it for Bantu knots. 
What I use: 
Eco styler gel 
Shea butter 

What do you guys think? 

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