TbT 5-6 okt Yvonne bday

7:25 AM

Party time!!!

That day were really stressful day but it end up really good. First of all  me and my girls went to this called Breeze Nightclub. But I don't really know what I was expecting from this club at all because when it came to club I always look up for the quality and which music they are going to play. The music is really important for me because I don't wanna taste all my money and just sit down the whole night.....it doesn't work me YOO. They had karaoke and rnb/house and I was like well..... house.....hmmm... I don't know how it will turn out actually, but we went there anyway. 

The bday girl said that we have to be there in time 11 pm and me and Bintti came there in time , expect that the club was empty and it wasn't a lot of people, the music was really really. I was sooo HAPPY that I didn't pay for this because the music were really bad. Plus the bday girl called Yvonne hasn't come yet so we have to wait for her. 

I told to myself to give this club a other chance and see how it goes....well it can't be that BAD right?? 
Then I got the phone call from my homie girl and she were like on the phone telling me that Philomina is at the club outside and she forgets her ID-card. After hearing that I was a little bit u know what I am LOL, cuz I did drink a little bit before me and Bintti went to the club. I just laugh OUT so loud in  the toilet.... I mean like how is she suppose to get in without it, I have told her so many times when it comes to ID card. It's really important but she were lucky this time because they even mission about it, so she was lucky but still NEXT PHILO. OOOO This is actually first time that Philomina going out to a club impressive PHILO But next time don't forget.  =P 

We all had great time dancing, drinking and sitting at the VIP set. And this picture with this man...... SMH he just came from nowhere LOL. 

SO much JOY....

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