Hair style finger coils / DIY Eco-Styling Custard

4:29 AM

Yesterday I made finger coils on my hair. Now I get this look is really simple. 
You guys already I had some problems with Eco styler gel, that I also got flakes on my hair
. Now I have found the solution for it. And I hope that it will works for you as well. I found this website on
About how to make your own Eco styling custard. 

This is what it looks like when I mix all the products on one. 
I took: 

6 oz. Argan Oil Eco Styler Gel ( You can also take any gel, you want ) 
2 Tblsp. shea butter 
1 Tblsp. Castor/Coconut Oil Mix 
I put a little bit Leav-in ( you don't have to take this one ) 

After mixing everything together when can finally style which style ,you want. I tryed the finger coils on the picture or should I say yesterday it was my second day style. This recipe will also help you as a wash n go too. I style my hair by the on dry hair instead of wet hair because , it's dries fast than wet hair. The definition was good , but you can put a little bit of water or take a spray bottle of water and just spray a little bit if you want more definition. Next time I will try to do this style called curly fro. With this recipe and see the how the result will turn out. 

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