Stepping in 2014

4:59 PM

Hey everyone

I'm back and yes I have step into 2014!!!! And it feels soo incredible AMAZING!!!! Because into 2014 a lot of things will happened in my life and my hair journey as well. I'm going back to school which is great , cuz I was bored all day and am sick and tired having the same routine over and over again. Even doe I did work some couple of days but that was nothing to compare  a regular job, if y'all know what am talking about.

 In 2013 I have done so many things and a lot things happened, hanging with friends, party, relationship that was ended and everything, graduated from High school in Sweden which was AWESOME, PROM, SUMMER Everything . In 2013 was the best ever EVER!!!! And there is more to COME!!!!  NEW year was fun  like really fun, at least I did. I have also learn my mistakes in 2013 and  I will not repeat it again like EVER again. I still got my goals to reach in 2014....

There will be some changes with this blog, because I wouldn't be posting like I used to in 2013 because of I am going back to school. I will still blog but not so often like I used to do. I do my best. And there will be some changes with hair regiment as well, so that everything will be easy to go with.

I promise to explore my BIG news soon in this month.

But yea that's it!!!! WE ARE STEPPING IN TO 2014!!!! HERE WE COME!!!

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