Busy Busy Busy

4:45 PM

Hey everyone
It's has been awhile since I post something on my blog. And that's because I have been busy busy busy all by myself, doing me. And am very sorry that I have promise so much for us that I will keep posting and posting but unfortunately things has change. I hope you guys understand me.

What I been doing lately is Studying Math and English which is sooo like hard for me to get back and study especially at home .... which doesn't works for, so I study at the library and then I come back home. My protective style is doing fine and I think that I will do other protective style which will be crochet braids.... but I don't know I will keep that in my mind. This month is a very very  special month for ME and I will celebrate sooo HARD!!! ONE YEAR BEEN ALLL NATURAL it feels like yesterday lol but am loving it every single moment.

It's raining all the time in Sweden, the weather started to get more colder than EVER.... trust me LOL you don't want to get out =P My girlfriend offered me to work with her as a servant in a restaurant, which I am soo glad that she ask me about it.

But other than that.... that was it guys I will post some couple of days
Thank you guys for checking my blog and for that I love you guys and thank you for stepping by... I hope you guys have a nice week BYEE!!! SEE YOU GUYS LATER

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