College life

1:42 AM

Hey everyone

Sorry, I have been down lately and like I told you guys before I just started college in California. And since I'm new in the country things has been never be easy. The first weekend in school we just got homework and buying books ,and everything for me buying books is fine, but buying our own test papers and everything like that is soo crazy to me like can't this school at least have paper!!!??? They want us to buy like EVERYTHING!!!

 They really think that we students have that kind of money LOL, I suppose to buy this business book and I only going to use it for half semester that thing cost 143 dollars!!!! yea I know right it really expensive and I can't buy the use one because the book must have a code. Every body said it better to buy it as new instead of just buying the code because it code cost as much as the book...... seem like I don't have any choice.TOTALLY crazy I know..... #SMH

It has been long time since I talk to my homie girls, I miss them soo much. I do talk to family and my cousins as well. BTW USA water is......sooo disgusting like no JOKE
The school is soo amazing outside but inside is sooo FAIL LOL and it me long time before I could understand their school system. I have a two new friends and they all from Sweden as well so that's awesome. The teacher are good so far..... Some students who lives here can be a little bit crazy.... U guys know what I mean......

Anyway skip with that.... Let go to my hair ........

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