I am very confused!! I have never ever lost something valuable like this in my LIFE!
It is all started yesterday night, after having bible talk with my groups and we were on our way to a bible meeting.
I and my friend were sitting on the bus, we were even lucky to get inside the bus, for the first place because we both were broke, but we did have 1 dollar ( but the bus driver was very kind to us and let us in for free). I felt like that GOD was protecting us.
when we got off our station and I checked on my pocket I was like.... Where is my wallet???
I checked my suitcase and it wasn't inside..... I got so confused, I started to be mad.... like WHY
The bus was gone.
I called the customer service and it was close, so I had to call them today.... ( still no answer)
All my cards are inside my wallet, student ID, Californians ID & Metro card. I have no cash money and I can't buy anything..... My friend, Crissy keep letting me I will get it back and God is testing me ... like HOW??
Usually, when something like this does happen to me, I get so mad that I don't talk to anyone....That was the old me however the new me was not even worried because she knew that GOD will help her to get back her wallet, she just needed to have strong FAITH.
When something like this happened to you, you get so frustrated and MAD at yourself at the same time.
I was so lucky that my rent money wasn't in that wallet otherwise, I am finished.... like SERIOUSLY.
That day, I was not worried but I was mad? I just don't understand what is God trying to tell me...
If you were in my position what would you do!