MY b-day party !!!
12:04 AM
ON MONDAY TURN 20 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! I FEEL OKAY, I DON’T REALLY FEEL OR ACT LIKE AM 20. BUT HEY this year has just getting started so hopefully we shall see how it goes. I will upload my pictures on my tumblr, I don’t have it yet but I will be soon.
I really appreciate that my Gurrls took their and celebrate my b-day yesterday. The best part was that NO PARENTS was HOME AT ALL LOL. I really going to miss them , because it just feels like you will not see them anymore, like this is the last shot and the chance and after that they’ll not be here.
My best closes friends are moving out and study, everybody are started to disappear one by one. The party was good we were dancing , talking, eating. But it was great and I loved it.